Fall is the perfect time to observe and explore TREES and LEAVES with your children.  In many climates, the fall season offers amazing displays of color!   We hope your children enjoy learning about TREES and LEAVES as much as ours do!

Song -FALL LEAVES (to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)

Red, green, and yellow leaves,

Purple, and orange, too!

The leaves are rustic rainbows;

They give us Fall’s first clue!

~Adaptations to traditional by The Preschool Toolbox

Take a NATURE WALK with your children:

Materials needed: 1 nature walk record sheet.pdf  Nature Walk Record Sheet per child, 1 clipboard per child, crayons or markers.
Take your students outside on a nature walk so they can use their sense of sight to find and record the items listed on the worksheet.  As each child finds/sees one of the items, they can circle or cross off the item from their list.  When you return back to your classroom you can discuss things the children did and did not find.  You can also compare and contrast the items different children found.  One child may not have seen a tree, but others may have.  You can also see if they can recall what kind of items they found.  For example, one child may have crossed off the vehicle after seeing a blue car. Another child may have seen a red van.  This activity can lead to a large follow-up discussion.


Materials needed:  One copy of the Apple Tree Counters. pdf (above) per child, dry erase marker, scissors, and clear contact paper or access to laminating machine.

While there are many activities you can do with the trees and counters, here are some basic suggestions:  Print the tree and counters for each of your children.  Laminate the trees for durability.   Have the children cut out the apples (assist younger children with scissor skills).   Have the children practice writing a number in the red box on the tree (again assist younger children who cannot yet write their numbers.)  Count out the number of apples that correspond with the number in the box and place them on the tree.  Use larger numbers with older children and smaller numbers with younger children.  Older children could also do basic addition or subtraction using the apples.  Subtraction:  Put a predetermined number of apples on the tree, write a number in the red box, and then subtract the number in the box from the apples on the tree.  Addition:  Have the children begin with a predetermined amount of apples on the tree, write a number in the red box, and then add that many apples to the tree.

Extension idea:  Use the tree and write an uppercase letter on the tree (if laminated, they can be used time and time, again).  Use the apples for lowercase letters and have the children find the matching lowercase apple for the uppercase letter written on the tree.


Have the children use washable tempera paint in various colors.  We used magenta, purple, orange, brown, and green.  Let the children fingerpaint or brush the colors.  Dry the paintings overnight.  Make a brown construction paper tree and use the paintings to make colorful leaves for the tree.

For more ideas see The Preschool Toolbox Blog’s Preschool and Kindergarten Themes for Active Learning and Play!



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