The 3 Little Pigs on the Sticky Table

Fairy tales are stories with imaginary characters that usually have a teachable lesson. Read the story of The 3 Little Pigs to the children. Role play with the children to help them understand the morals/values embedded in the fairy tale.
The underlying message behind The 3 Little Pigs – those who work hard, plan well, and use materials and resources wisely, will often be successful.
We set up a sticky table to explore why some of the materials the pigs chose to build their houses were not as sturdy as others.
Materials needed: Clear Contact Paper, Duct Tape (to hold the contact paper in place), yellow tissue paper – straw (cut into small squares), brown lightweight construction paper – sticks (cut into squares), red heavyweight paper – bricks (cut into squares), and a permanent marker.
Cover a table with clear contact paper (sticky side up) and duct tape to hold the contact paper in place. Draw 3 simple houses on the sticky side of the paper. Ask the children to hold and examine the 3 colors of paper squares. Which paper feels the lightest? Does one kind of paper feel heavier or stronger than the other two? Allow time for the children to explore the different kinds of paper squares.
Invite the children to re-tell the events of the story by using the various paper squares to decorate the 3 houses on the sticky table.
Science Extension Activity: Give the children a straw and ask them to try to blow each of the paper squares across a table or the floor. Which paper square was easiest to move? Which paper square was more difficult to move across the table? It is a fun experiment to follow the sticky table creations!

Alternate Activity: Use straw, sticks, and Lego/Duplo bricks on the sticky table and for sensory/science discoveries.
***FAIRY TALES THEME ROUND-UP – be sure to check out all of the AMAZING ACTIVITIES from members of the Kid Blogger Network below!***

Fairy Tales Literacy Activities
Fairy Tale Emergent Readers – The Measured Mom
Jack and the Beanstalk Roll, Say, Write – Pre-K Pages
Little Red Riding Hood Storytelling/Music – Let’s Play Music
Goldilocks and 3 Bears – Let’s Play Music
Royal Names: Creating Names Prince and Princess Style – Fun-a-Day
The 3 Little Pigs Story Sequencing Cards – The Preschool Toolbox
Han Christian Andersen Fairy Tales Lesson Ideas – Teach Beside Me
Fairy Tales Theme Math Activities for Preschool
Jack and the Beanstalk More/Less Math – Pre-K Pages
The 3 Bears Math – Counting, Grouping, Role Play and MORE! – Learn with Play at Home
Bejeweled Bingo PLUS more free activities ALL for a Fairy Tales Theme – PreKinders
Fairy Tales “The Three Little Pigs” Number Path – The Preschool Toolbox
Jack and the Beanstalk Craft and Math Activity – Fantastic Fun and Learning
The Ugly Duckling Eggs and Number Order – The Preschool Toolbox

Fairy Tales Theme Science Activities for Preschool
Jack and the Beanstalk Bean Activity – Meaningful Mama
Pumpkin Boats Sink or Float? – The Preschool Toolbox
Growing Beans with Kids – Craftulate
Dissolving Gingerbread Man Experiment- The Preschool Toolbox

Fairy Tales Theme Sensory Activities for Preschool
Three Billy Goats Gruff Sensory Bin – Growing Book by Book
Gingerbread Man Storytelling Play Dough – Nuturestore
Jack and Beanstalk Sensory Bin and Story Retelling – Fantastic Fun and Learning
Glitter Playdough – Craftulate
Princess Pies – Growing a Jeweled Rose
Princess Slime – Craftulate
Fairy Tales Theme Crafts for Preschool
Cardboard Castles – Fun-a-Day
Princess Halos – The Preschool Toolbox
Paper Bag Princess Dresses – Mom 2 Two Posh Lil Divas
The 3 Bears Printable Craft Set – Learn Create Love
Super Simple Fairy Wands – Schooling a Monkey
Fairy Tales Frig Magnets – Nuturestore
Fun with Fairy Tales – 40 Crafts – Red Ted Art
Fairy Tales Theme Dramatic Play/Large Motor Games
Billy Goats Gruff Fairy Tale and Block Play in Preschool – Teach Preschool
Simple Suggestions for Playing with the 3 Little Pigs – Powerful Mothering
Cinderella Tea Party and Pumpkin Donuts – Three Foot Cooks
FE, FI, FO, FUM – Move to the Drum – The Preschool Toolbox
Outdoor Game for Kids Who Love Fairy Tales – I Can Teach My Child
Pumpkin House Imaginary Play – Nuturestore
The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales Every Kid Should Know
Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm
Classic Fairy Tales
14 Fractured Fairy Tales – No Time For Flashcards
The Preschool Toolbox offers ready-made themes for playful learning at home or in the classroom. Each theme contains games and activities for Literacy, Math, Science, Large Motor, Fine Motor, Arts/Crafts, and an extensive book list in an instant download ready for YOU to use!