Are you searching for fun and unique activities for celebrating COLORS with young children? Below you’ll find some colorful ideas using Wikki Stix, the original wax covered creatables.
Materials needed: one Wikki_Stix_Colors for each child, clipboard, pencil, safety scissors, and assorted Wikki Stix© for the children to make “glasses.”
Have the children make two circles from the Wikki Stix©. Cut another Wikki Stix© in half and use it to connect the two circles (this makes the eyes and the nose bridge). Have the children use two Wikki Stix© to form an ear piece on both sides of the circles. Make a “hook” around the ear with the remaining length of the Wikki Stix© on each side. Younger children will need assistance in making their glasses. This activity works as a small group activity or as a partner activity when older/younger children work together.
When the glasses activity is finished, have the children wear their glasses and look around the room to find the colors on the worksheet. Complete the worksheet by circling YES or NO for each of the colors.
Older children could also take the worksheet and survey peers to see which colors were around in the room.

Wikki Stix are a great hands-on tools for creating crafts that help the children learn basic color concepts.
Materials needed: Red, white, blue, and yellow Wikki Stix©, safety scissors, United States Map (or other colors/maps for different countries).
Show the children a MAP and work together to find their home state. Let the children use 7 red and 6 white Wikki Stix© to make the stripes of on the U.S. Flag. Wikki Stix© can also be used to make state flags, if desired.
We cut blue Wikki Stix© into thirds to form the small blue rectangle. Assist the children in cutting very small white pieces of Wikki Stix© for the stars. The children do not have to make all 50 stars, but allow them to make a few to decorate their flag. Make a flag pole from the yellow or brown Wikki Stix©. The children can mount the flag on white paper and practice writing/stamping or making Wikki Stix letters for the word: FLAG. These are fun to put together and make a great craft for Memorial Day or the 4th of July!
About Wikki Stix
Wikki Stix has been entertaining parents, teachers and children for more than twenty years! Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables are the award winning original waxed yarn creativity toy. Wikki Stix are Made in the USA. Follow on Twitter and Facebook for periodic discount codes.