“If you want your children to be geniuses, read them Fairy Tales. If you want them to be brilliant, read them more Fairy Tales.” Albert Einstein
Little Red Riding Hood – Moral Lesson: do not talk with strangers; (depending on the version you read) – obeying and listening to parents – grandparents-caregivers-teachers, etc. Role play times when the children have not listened to their parents. What happened? Ask if their parents have discussed talking and sharing things only with adults they know and trust. Why would it be important?
Twinkle, Twinkle Grandma’s Eyes
Twinkle, Twinkle, Grandma’s eyes
Mother made you a lovely pie;
You don’t seem to be yourself
Let me put the pie on the shelf;
Twinkle, Twinkle, Grandma’s eyes
OH, it’s the WOLF; what a surprise!!
~Adaptations to traditional by The Preschool Toolbox
Cut out and laminate five large stars. Cut apart in a zigzag pattern with regular scissors. On one side put the numbers 1-5 and on the other side put dots 1-5. Mix the halves up in a large basket. Have the children work to find the matching pairs. Older children can work with larger numbers.

Materials: Paper towel cardboard tubes, tissue paper, curling ribbon, aluminum foil, star template. Have the children wrap the tissue paper around the paper towel tubes and tape. Wrap the curling ribbon around the tissue paper for decoration. Cut out a star template on cardboard and wrap in aluminum foil. Tape the star on the paper towel tube.
Our kids love to read Fairy Tales! For MORE Fairy Tales crafts, songs, and teaching resources, please see the Fairy Tales Thematic Unit at: The Preschool Toolbox!