This post is a sponsored post from Wikki Stix. I am paid and have received
Wikki Stix to develop the summer activities offered below. I hope you and your children enjoy creating and learning this summer with Wikki Stix!

SUMMER COUNTING MATS 1-10 –Summer Counting Mats 1_10
Materials needed: assorted Colors of Wikki Stix and a copy of the file above for each child.
Print the file (linked above) for each child and laminate for durability. Each page is labeled with the number word/number that corresponds to the blank circles on each of the images. The children should use one strand of Wikki Stix to make the number of “balls” indicated on each of the pages (see photo above for an example).
For younger children: work on smaller numbers until the children are comfortable counting up by 1. Young children often count ahead; remind them to count carefully as they place the Wikki Stix created balls on the math mats.
For older children: use the larger numbered mats for basic addition skills (ex: use the number 4 mat and have the children see how many different combinations of numbers are equal to 4 {0+4, 1+3. 2+2, 3+1, 4+0} – have the children place the Wikki Stix balls on the math mat as they say each combination). Note – even though 0+4 and 4+0/1+3 and 3+1 are the same numbers, the equations require a different sequence for “ball” placement on the math mats. Have the children do the equations BOTH ways using the Wikki Stix balls as manipulatives. It helps cement basic math concepts.
Subtraction Extension: start with a LARGER group of Wikki Stix created balls than indicated by the number on the math mats. Have the children place the corresponding number of balls on the math mats. How many balls are left outside of the mat? The children can create the subtraction problem with the Wikki Stix, if desired.
I like using Wikki Stix with the math mats. Making a BALL from one strand of Wikki Stix is quite a fine motor task for young kids. It is more difficult than using play dough. but not too challenging for little fingers!
Wikki Stix Scents – Summer Science for Kids – Summer Smelling Stix
Materials needed:
Wikki Stix, one recording sheet (linked above) for each child, and scented oils (cherry, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, mint, watermelon, lemon, lavender, etc.) – we purchased ours at Hobby Lobby. Note: before using scents in the classroom, please be aware of any children with allergies.
Print the recording sheet (linked above) for each of the children. Rub single strands of Wikki Stix with the oils chosen for the smelling experiment (make note of which scent was applied to each strand). The Wikki Stix will retain the scents of the oils applied. Have the children smell the Wikki Stix strands one-at-a-time. As they smell each different scent, have the children predict which scent they are smelling.
Older children can write their predictions on the line provided on the file linked above. Younger children will need assistance with the recording sheet (they could also cut pictures from old food magazines to indicate their predictions). The children can record whether they liked each scent by circling the happy or sad face on the recording sheet.
When the recording sheet is finished, check to see if the children were right in their predictions. A simple bar graph indicating how many children liked each of the different scents is also a fun activity to create with Wikki Stix!
Wikki Stix and Storytelling
Children can use Wikki Stix for storytelling and retelling of their favorite books. For younger children: create a variety of Wikki Stix summer-related items and place them in a bowl or basket. The children can pick out items they wish to use to tell a story. Older children may wish to create their own story pages or books. What is happening in the photo above? Have the children share their stories and creations with each other. It is a wonderful literacy activity! HINT – We often record the children telling their stories and give CD’s as gifts to parents.
Extension idea: Take the Wikki Stix outside and have the children create their stories on the sidewalk or playground! It is a fun alternative to sidewalk chalk!
Wikki Stix has been entertaining parents, teachers, and children for more than twenty years! Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables are the award winning original waxed yarn creativity toy. Wikki Stix are Made in the USA. Follow on Twitter and Facebook for periodic discount codes.