Candy Corn Cob Math – Candy Corn Cob Math Template
Materials needed: Candy corn, copies of the template linked above for each child, permanent marker, hole punch, liquid glue, q-tips, and a ribbon to tie the corn cobs together when finished.
Print the template for each of the children on white heavy paper or cardstock (you may print more copies to set out as a center or math activity.) Have the children write or stamp any numbers on the corn cob templates that they are working on or wish to use. Each of the children should count out the number of candy corn pieces that they will need for each of their corn cobs. Have the children use the q-tips to apply liquid glue to the candy corn and place on the cobs. Allow the candy pieces to dry completely. When the corn cobs are dry, hole punch the top of the corn cobs and string a pretty harvest ribbon through the holes to tie the cobs together. These make a great harvest math area display!

Turkey and Pumpkin Fingerprint Thankful Notes – Pumpkin and Turkey Templates
Materials needed: Turkey and Pumpkin cut outs (if you do not have any you can print the Turkey and Pumpkin Templates linked above), stamp pads or tempera paint (we used both in the picture above), and crayons/markers.
Print the templates on heavy paper for each of your students (or use pumpkin and turkey cut outs). Have the children use their index finger to fingerprint different colors and decorate each of the designs. The children can use markers for the turkey’s wattle or use their pinky to stamp it red. Have the children make an eye for the turkey and color the beak with markers or crayons. Ask the children to think of things they are thankful for and add to the turkey or pumpkin when dry. We have our children make several pumpkins and turkeys at the beginning of November and put them in a large envelope. As guests or parents visit our classroom during the month, we ask that they fill out a turkey or pumpkin with things they are thankful for. By Thanksgiving, we have a display board filled with thoughtful notes of gratitude!
Sensory Turkeys – Sensory Turkey Template and Sensory Turkey Recording Sheet
Materials needed: One Sensory Turkey Template and one Sensory Turkey Recording Sheet per child, 8 salt shakers filled with different spices (some suggestions: nutmeg, cloves, paprika, red pepper, dill weed, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, sage, etc.), glue sticks, and pencils or crayons.
Print the Sensory Turkey Template (print on heavy paper) and the Sensory Turkey Recording Sheet for each of the children. Clean and thoroughly dry 8 salt shakers. Fill the shakers will 8 different spices. Have the children glue a portion of the turkey with a glue stick and shake on one of spices at a time. For each spice used, have the children fill in the recording sheet with the name of the spice used. Let the children circle the happy or sad face to indicate whether they liked the smell or not. Continue until all 8 shakers have been used. Have the children finish covering their turkeys (if they did not finish covering during the activity) with any of the spices desired.
We hope your children enjoy these activities as much as ours have! For MORE activities, please see the Fall and Thanksgiving Thematic Units at The Preschool Toolbox Blog!