If your kids are as stir crazy for spring as some of the adults I know (myself included), why not use that momentum to bolster their classroom learning? April is Mathematics Awareness Month, so in honor of this and the new warmer season, we bring to you Springtime Math Learning Centers. These activities will get students out of their seats and actively into learning and reinforcing their math skills.
Learning Centers are separate work areas where students tackle an activity on their own or in small groups. These areas typically include a sign or poster for the center, have clear directions (including expected behavior), and involve a set time frame. Here are few additional tips and a quick guide to help walk you through your first learning center experience.
- Center groups should generally not exceed five (5) students.
- Review the materials and any reporting that the students will be responsible for.
- Have a planned phrase that you will use to get the attention of your entire class. An example for younger students could be “1,2,3… All eyes on me!”
- Center areas can be placed around the room, including rug areas, reading nooks, or in a space outside the classroom.
- Allow plenty of time for orderly cleaning of each center.

Spring Math Learning Centers
The following examples are learning center ideas to use in your class or during larger math events. They contain easy, colorful activities for practicing elementary addition skills, along with fun games and folder activities. Included: Each learning center activity comes with a teaching instruction sheets, including directions and the materials needed.
1. Spring Activity Center – Subtraction
2. Spring Activity Center – Addition
3. Math Counters
4. Basketball Addition Game

5. Caterpillar Counting Game
6. Lego Counting Circle – Give students a series of numbers and let them brainstorm how many shapes they can make using the given number.
7. Creative Graphing – This is the same concept as the Lego circle. Using a piece of large graphing paper, give students a number and let them create, using various colors, different spring shapes and designs with that number.
8. Pattern Play – Give students a set of shapes that they need to cut out, color, or create using various art materials. Depending on the age, you may want to pre-make the shapes, or have younger students stick to drawing.
9. Spring Math Learning Centers
10. Math Folder Games
Note: If working with younger students, cut and laminate the math counters before your students work at the station.
The options for learning centers are endless, and they can easily adapt to any subject or topic that you are teaching. This includes language arts, science, sports, the holidays, and more. If you’re looking for ideas, abcteach has an abundance of great learning center, the literacy center, and reporting activities. Check us out! And if you have any questions, or don’t find exactly what you need, please let us know. We’re here to help.
About the Author:
Lindsey Elton has been working with the abcteach team since 2009. She currently manages the abcteach blog and other social media, and is a key contributor to marketing and membership initiatives. Lindsey is the daughter of two educators, with whom she collaborates regularly for their classroom knowledge. She has a passion for languages, sustainability, and empowering the community.