Extension Activities for “The Biggest Valentine Ever” by Steven Kroll

Our kids love “The Biggest Valentine Ever” by Steven Kroll.   Below are several activities that we hope your children will enjoy after reading the book!

Valentine Mouse Craft – The Biggest Valentine Ever

Material needed:  One pdf file (linked above) for each child, crayons/markers, glue sticks, scissors, and assorted Valentine’s stickers/decorations.

Print the file (linked above) on heavy paper.  Have the students decorate the parts of the Mouse Valentine any way they desire.  After coloring, have the children cut out the various Valentine parts (assist younger children).  Show the children the picture of the Valentine that Clayton and Desmond created together in the book.  The children can create their Valentine to resemble the one the boys made in the book or use the parts to create their own unique version.


My Little Valentine Book – Heart and Friendship Booklet

Print the pdf file (linked above) for each of the children.  Remind the students that Desmond and Clayton learned to work TOGETHER as friends to create a special Valentine. Have the children decorate the pages of their booklets with stickers and crayons/markers. Read the booklet to the children and let them practice some of the familiar words.  Hole punch the top corner of the booklet and tie with a ribbon or string.  The children may wish to take their booklets home to “read” to their family or give to a friend.

Valentine’s Roll and Color– Valentine’s Roll and Cover

Materials needed:  One file (linked above) for each child, two dice for each child, and bingo/ dot markers or crayons – the “roll and color” can also be done as a “roll and cover” by having the children use red counters or Valentine’s stickers to “cover” the number after rolling the dice.

Print the file above for each child.  Have the children roll two dice, count the numbers of dots, and then dot mark or color the corresponding number on the page.

For more Valentine literacy or math activities, see the Valentine’s Theme here on the blog!