The Ugly Duckling is a beloved Fairy Tale.  Fairy tales are stories with imaginary characters that usually have a teachable lesson.  Role playing can help the children understand the lesson (morals/values) and you may wish to do as part of the book introductions.  

The Ugly DucklingMorals or Lessons:  do not be let down easily; do not judge by appearances only; it is good to care about others.  Ask the children if they have ever chosen not to play with someone because they looked, behaved, or dressed differently? Role play ways to be a good/kind friend to others.   How can we show we care about others?  Chart the answers the children give.

KIND or UNKIND BEHAVIOR – Kind or Unkind Behavior

Remind the children that most Fairy Tales have kind and unkind characters.  Print one copy of the work page for each of the children.  Read each phrase on the work page to the children.  Have the children circle the happy face if it is a kind behavior or the sad face if it is an unkind behavior.   Discuss other behaviors that would be kind or unkind behaviors.  Ask the children if they can think of a time they were kind to another child.

Extension Activities the children might enjoy:

LEARNING about SWANS and DUCKS – Duck_Swan_Facts

Materials needed:  Scissors, one printable linked above for each child (small group), and glue sticks.

Print one copy of each of the three pages for your children.  Cut out the ducks and swans on the second page as the children will use them to glue on the first page.  Older children can practice cutting, but younger ones will need assistance.

Read the facts sheet to the children.  Repeat reading the duck/swan facts over the course of several days.  Practice with the children by asking them the questions on page 3.  Does the fact apply to ducks, swans, or both?  Complete the first page by reading the questions to the children.  If the question applies to a duck, glue a duck under the duck section.  If the question applies to a swan, glue a swan under the swan section.  If both a duck and a swan have those things in common, glue both birds under the duck/swan section.

Extension activity:  Choose one group of children to be the “SWAN GROUP” and one group of children to be the “DUCK GROUP.”  As the facts are read, ask the children how they might act out each fact:  Can both groups fly around the room as the ducks and swans do?  Can the boy ducks find colorful items to become their feathers?  Do ducks stay together as a family?  Helping children act out qualities and characteristics will aid in retaining basic facts!

Duck Eggs – What’s Missing Game for Preschoolers

Set out several “duck eggs” (we used different colors of plastic Easter eggs).  Have the children take turns placing 5 eggs in a line for the other children to count.  After counting, have the children close their eyes (no peeking) while one child removes an egg and hides behind his back or under his legs.  See if the children can tell which egg is missing.

For older children, number the 5 eggs with numbers and see if they can tell which number is missing.

Number Order Game:  Randomly place all 5 eggs in a basket.  Ask the children to place the eggs in the correct number order from 1-5.  Larger numbers can be used as they are introduced to the children.

Most children adore reading Fairy Tales!  We hope you and your children enjoy the activities above!

For activities centered around The 3 Little Pigs, visit here.


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