Poinsettia Cardboard Tube & 3-D Crafts for Preschool & Kindergarten!
Poinsettia Cardboard Tube & 3-D Crafts for Preschool & Kindergarten!
Poinsettia Cardboard Tube & 3-D Crafts for Preschool & Kindergarten!
Encouraging Mental Math Skills in Preschool with Stories, 5 and 10 Frames
Summertime Fun Outside! These activities are sample activities from the Summertime Theme at The Preschool Toolbox. We hope you and yours have a great start to your own Summertime Fun!
Come sing, learn, and create with activities centered around a Fairy Tales Theme for Kids! Rapunzel Song, Crafts, Dramatic Play, and a Rhythm Chant!
Spring Weather Theme for Preschool: Umbrella Craft and Sunshine Math Roll, Count, and Cover Free Printable
Teaching how all 5 Senses are used in learning creates wonderful explorations and experiences for young children! Here are some 5 senses activities
PART PART WHOLE Math in Preschool
Come play with us this summer! Sorting and Counting Games for Preschoolers!
Create and explore LETTERS, NUMBERS, SHAPES, and COLORS with an Ocean or Beach-Themed Message in a Bottle Craft for Preschool!
Encourage spatial, geometric, and problem solving skills by creating TANGRAM BUNNY CRAFTS!