Rainbow Salt Discovery Jars – Alphabet_Recording_Sheet0001
We love making these “sand” jars! Pour salt on paper plates and have the children rub chalk (drawing chalk works best, but any colored chalk will do) in circles until the salt takes on color. Fold the paper plates in half and assist the children in pouring their salt plates into a heavy glass jar (for younger children, use clear plastic jars or supervise closely.) Fill the jar approx. half full. Add miniature letters, shapes, numbers, etc., cap the jar, and then shake it up. For Holiday themes, you can use miniatures: Flags, Stars, Pumpkins, Turkeys, Christmas Trees, Hearts, etc. Children can use the Alphabet work page (link above)…as they turn the jar and find letters, have them bingo dot mark (regular markers will do) the matching letter on their work page. We have jars and work pages for shapes, numbers, and the Alphabet currently in our home classroom. We’ll add FUN jars with stars, flags, red, white, and blue colors for the 4th of July! The kids love to make and shake ’em:)
Wikki Stix Glasses and Color Hunt

Materials needed: One Wikki_Stix_Colors.pdf for each child, clipboard, pencil, safety scissors, and assorted Wikki Stix© for the children to make “glasses.”
Have the children make two circles from the Wikki Stix©. Cut another Wikki Stix© in half and use it to connect the two circles (this makes the eyes and the nose bridge). Have the children use two Wikki Stix© to form an ear piece on both sides of the circles. Make a “hook” around the ear with the remaining length of the Wikki Stix© on each side. Younger children will need assistance in making their glasses. This activity works as a small group activity or as a partner activity when older/younger children work together.
When the glasses activity is complete, have the children wear their glasses outside for a COLORS SCAVENGER HUNT (on a rainy day, have the children “Hunt the House!” Complete the workpage –Wikki_Stix_Colors -by circling YES or NO for each of the colors.
Materials: water, food coloring, plastic eyedroppers or pipettes, white Styrofoam egg cartons
Fill three of the spaces in your egg carton with water. Add a couple of drops of red food coloring to one, yellow to another and blue to the last. Show the children how to use the eyedropper or the pipette to move the water from one spot to another. Let them experiment with mixing the colors. Extension activity for older children: See if students are able to figure out how to make specific colors such as green, purple, brown, and aqua.
Colors Chant and Color Search – This is an echo chant and takes some practice for the children to get exactly how to echo the words; once they do, they will ask for it over and over again. Chant one verse at a time (we tap a right/left rhythm on our knees while saying the chant) and then let the children go find objects of that color. When the children have found that color, call the children back and begin a new verse. Use as many or few verses as time allows:
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared (we’re not scared),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Are you scared? (Children yell, NO!),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Get out of BED (Get out of BED),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something RED.
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared (we’re not scared),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Are you scared? (Children yell, NO!),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
You can’t be MELLOW (You can’t be MELLOW),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something YELLOW.
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared (we’re not scared),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Are you scared? (Children yell, NO!)
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Don’t forget your shoes (Don’t forget your shoes),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something BLUE.
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared (we’re not scared),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Are you scared? (Children yell, NO!)
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
You can’t be MEAN (You can’t be MEAN),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something GREEN.
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared. (we’re not scared),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Are YOU scared? (Children yell, NO!),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
You can’t take the kitchen SINK (You can’t take the kitchen SINK),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something PINK.
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared (we’re not scared!),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Are you scared? (Children yell, NO!),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Wear a smile and not a FROWN (Wear a smile and not a FROWN),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something BROWN.
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared (we’re not scared),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt).
Are you scared? (Children yell, NO!),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
In the middle of the NIGHT (In the middle of the NIGHT),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something WHITE.
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
I’m not scared (we’re not scared),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Are you scared? (Children yell, NO!),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Don’t forget your BACKPACK (Don’t forget your BACKPACK),
Going on a Bear Hunt (Going on a Bear Hunt),
Go FIND something BLACK.
~adapted from the traditional chant The Preschool Toolbox