Happy Fall, all! September is here and has brought with it lots of opportunities for learning fun. As we move from summer into fall, you’ll find the free printable Ways to Play Every Day September Activity Calendar for Preschoolers has great themes suited for your classroom or home learning. This month’s activities are centered around apples, squirrels and acorns, forest animals, and welcoming in the season of fall.

Ways to Play Every Day: September Activity Calendar for Preschoolers
This daily activity calendar for preschoolers offers prompts for daily learning, exploration, and creativity. This free September activity printable is suited for preschool teachers for their classrooms or for parents to use in the home. Follow the calendar each day for activities that correspond with the book list or choose activities at random to inspire play. Below you’ll find each calendar activity, as well as links to printables, activity instructions, and book lists that you can use to supplement each one.
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Week One: Ways to Play with Apples Activities for Preschoolers
- Taste test different types of apples.
- Play an apple math game.
- Create fizzing apple art.
- Weigh and compare apples with other items.
- Practice writing the alphabet in applesauce.
- Make apple pie playdough and try pre-writing with apple-spiced playdough.
- Go apple picking.
Books for this week’s activities:

Fall Apples: Crisp and Juicy
Ten Red Apples
Apples, Apples, Apples
The Biggest Apple Ever
Apple Pie ABC
Up Up Up! It’s Apple Picking Time
Week Two: Ways to Play with Acorns and Squirrels Activities for Preschoolers
- Arrange paper acorns by size.
- Do an acorn art craft.
- Practice matching upper/lowercase letters with this free acorn printable.
- Make a squirrel feeder.
- Go on a search for acorns.
- Play in an acorn sensory bin.
- Practice counting with playdough acorn mats.

Books for this week’s activities:

Little Acorn
Tales from Nature: Squirrel
Because of an Acorn
Nuts to You!
The Acorn and the Oak Tree
Acorns Everywhere!
One More Acorn
Week Three: Ways to Play with Forest Animals Activities for Preschoolers
- Practice counting with these forest themed clip cards.
- Create tree bark rubbing art.
- Look for animal tracks in a local wooded area.
- Play in a forest animal sensory bin.
- Do nocturnal forest animal yoga.
- Build an owl nest out of playdough and sticks.
- Have fun with a forest animal i-spy game.
Books for this week’s activities:

in the Forest
Busy Tree
Tracks, Little Tracks
Busy Little Squirrel
Fox in the Dark
Owl’s Night
Looking for a Moose
Week Four: Ways to Play with FUN Fall Activities for Preschoolers
- Examine leaves with a magnifying glass.
- Practice counting numbers 1-20 with leaves.
- Play in a fall sensory bin.
- Make fall leaf suncatchers.
- Go on a walk and look for trees changing color.
- Sort leaves by color or size.
- Create fall tree shaving cream art.
Books for this week’s activities:

Awesome Autumn
Counting on Fall
By the Light of the Harvest Moon
Hello, Fall!: A Picture Book
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn
Yellow Time

Let this calendar inspire you to play every day with these fun, easy preschool
activities for September!
Just click the download button below to print your FREE Ways to Play Every Day September Activity Calendar!

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Supplies for September Activities: