Do you need CEU’s or Early Childhood professional development courses before the end of the year? Choosing your own educational courses has never been more convenient than through ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI), the industry leader for online professional development. Wherever you are over the holidays, all courses from ChildCare Education Institute are delivered entirely online and available 24/7/365. While there are many courses to choose from for professional development, the courses below are essential for all Early Childhood teachers, childcare staff, and childcare providers.

Essential Early Childhood Professional Development Courses from ChildCare Education Institute
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ChildCare Education Institute offers a vast array of courses (150+ in English & Spanish) designed for all who teach and care for young children. The courses below offer the best in educational development and are essential for all children to have success in the New Year!
- Bullying in the Classroom: Many school districts have adopted zero-tolerance policies where bullying is concerned. Learning the latest information regarding best practices for bullying is essential to a successful early learning environment. CCEI’s course, GUI100: Bullying in the Preschool Environment, helps teachers bring empathy and compassion to the classroom as a way of reducing bullying behaviors and guiding children to a kinder community.
- Mindfulness in the Classroom: How can YOU learn more about supporting your own children toward mindfulness this school year? Mindfulness practices are critical tools to implement with young children. Mindfulness practices can help children move toward self-regulation of behaviors, increase focus and engagement, and promote a feeling of ownership and empowerment for all children. As an additional benefit, classroom communities tend to be more empathetic toward each other. CCEI offers SOC106: The Value of Mindfulness in Early Childhood which explores calming and reflective approaches when working with young children.

- Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom: What does the latest research indicate about the use of technology and digital media with young children? How can you use technology and digital media effectively in the classroom environment? Technology isn’t going away; it will continue to be an integral part of the early learning environment. All teachers and caregivers need to learn how to intentionally integrate technology into their own early childhood learning environments. CCEI’s course CHD103: The Child’s Digital Universe: Technology and Digital Media in Early Childhood is an online course which shares the latest research and recommendations regarding children’s use of technology and digital media, and the ways in which digital devices are reshaping early childhood
- Trouble-Free Transitions in the Classroom: Many young children struggle with daily transitions from one activity to another. CCEI offers the course CUR120: Trouble-Free Transitions that Teach to present practical and fun methods for reducing the stress of daily classroom transitions. The course explores effective transition strategies that ensure smooth progression through the daily schedule, and promotes the use of transitions as valuable learning opportunities that exist throughout the day.

- Understanding and Promoting Child Development in the Classroom: Early childhood is the most active stages of human development; more growth occurs in the first year of life than any other period. Caregivers who understand the progression of development are more prepared to respond to children’s needs and create appropriate learning environments. CCEI’s course CHD106:Understanding and Promoting Child Development Series, helps caregivers discover the characteristics of infant development. In addition, the course provides strategies caregivers can use to promote growth and learning across all areas of development

Your Time is Valuable! How Can ChildCare Education Institute Help You with Early Childhood Professional Development Courses?
I’ve had the pleasure of taking several Early Childhood Education courses, including GUI 102: Conflict Resolution in the Early Childhood Environment and SOC 109: Building Resilience in Young Children through ChildCare Education Institute. The courses are convenient, easy to navigate, and offer amazing content I can use immediately to guide my own students to success in our classroom. CCEI is always my first choice for professional development online. I know I’ll gain new insights and perspectives to encourage each and every child in our own classroom. All of the courses offered through CCEI have detailed, relevant information with guided videos, key question/answer components, and thorough (printable) hand-outs to guide self-paced learning. If you need IACET CEU’s or additional coursework before the year’s end, all ChildCare Education Institute courses can be completed entirely online from wherever you are over the holidays. You can even print a digital certificate upon course completion directly from your own personalized dashboard at CCEI. There are many essential professional development courses for teachers and childcare providers to enhance your own early learning environments. Give CCEI online courses a try! You will be glad you did.

About CCEI:
ChildCare Education Institute provides high-quality, online training
courses and programs, applicable to those who work in an array of childcare
settings, including center-based care, Head Start, family childcare, Pre-K
classrooms, after-school environments, and more. Over 150 English and Spanish
training courses are available to meet licensing, recognition programs, or Head
Start requirements. ChildCare Education Institute also has online certification
programs that the coursework requirement for national credentials including the
CDA, Director and Early Childhood
Credentials. CCEI, a Council for Professional Recognition CDA Gold Standard
Comprehensive training provider, is
nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)
and is accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association
for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
- 99 percent of students
say they would recommend ChildCare Education Institute to others - Over 5 million online
course hours completed - Graduated over 15,645
early childhood professionals from CDA and other certificate programs - Web-based coursework
is available 24/7/365 - IACET CEU’s awarded
for completed coursework at no additional cost