It’s already August! This month’s free printable Ways to Play Every Day Activity Calendar for preschoolers has all the activities you need as summer winds down and the school year kicks off. The first two weeks reinforce letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. The last two weeks focus on practicing self-care skills and prepping for returning to school.

ALL NEW! Ways to Play Every Day: August Activity Calendar for Preschoolers
The Ways to Play Every Day August Activity Calendar for preschoolers offers prompts for daily learning, creativity, and exploration. This free activity printable can be used by preschool teachers for their classrooms, childcare center staff, childcare providers, or by parents in the home. Follow the calendar each day for activities that correspond with the book list or choose activities at random to inspire play. Below you’ll find each daily activity from the calendar, as well as links to printables, activity instructions, and book lists that you can use to supplement each one.
Week One – Playing with the Alphabet and Numbers in Preschool
- Practice counting 1-20 with plastic play food.
- Review the alphabet with magnetic letters on this Chicka Chicka Boom Boom play mat.
- Go on a number hunt in a Chicka Chicka 123 sensory bin.
- Count out buttons for each number 1-10 to practice one-to-one correspondence.
- Outline the shape of letters using peas.
- Count to ten on dinosaur spikes using clothespins.
- Go on a letter hunt to find something that starts with each letter of the alphabet.

Books for Preschoolers about the Alphabet and Numbers:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka 123
Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons
How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten?
The Sleepy Little Alphabet
Week Two – Explore Shapes and Colors in Preschool
- Create patterns with craft poms.
- Build with different shaped blocks.
- Make a picture using paper shapes.
- Hide and search for colored paper cat paws.
- Create an original work of art using paints.
- Dance to music with colored scarves.

Books for Preschoolers about Shapes and Colors:
Press Here
Shapes, Shapes, Shapes
Shapes That Roll
Perfect Square
Cat’s Colors
Swatch: The Girl Who Loved Color
Color Dance
Week Three: Encourage Daily Self-Care in Preschool
- Review proper handwashing.
- Practice fastening buttons on a large shirt.
- Time how quick you can put on (and tie/fasten) your shoes.
- Set up a toothbrushing station for before school. Be sure to print the FREE daily tooth brushing checklist HERE.
- Put on a jacket/coat with minimal help.
- Make a name sensory bag and practice spelling your name.
- Brush your hair and create a silly hairstyle.

Books for Preschoolers about Self-Care:
Germs Are Not for Sharing
Button Up!: Wrinkled Rhymes
Lucas and His Long Loopy Laces
The Tooth Book
Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed
The Change Your Name Store
The Hair Book
Week Four – Back-to-School with Preschoolers
- Read books about going to school or select activities from The Gingerbread Man Loose at School for FUN reading, learning, and play.
- Draw a picture of yourself at school.
- Measure how tall you are.
- Spell and write your name with this free monster printable.
- Create a special going to school routine for you and a loved one.
- Talk about what makes a good friend.
- Make a list of 3 things about school to look forward to.

Books for Preschoolers about School for Preschoolers:
First Day Jitters
Llama Llama Misses Mama
I Am Too Absolutely Small for School
Monsters Love School
The Kissing Hand
Do Unto Otters
Lola goes to school

Print the FREE Ways to Play August Activity Calendar for Preschoolers! Just click the download link to print and play below.
We hope the August calendar inspires you and your own kids to play every day with fun, simple set-up, and engaging activities.

Your kids will also love playing and learning with entire themes this school year. Check out the many digital units ready to print and play right here on the blog.